Most Prolific Bloggers?

I mentioned a post about prolific bloggers a while back.
It seems I’m in that top 100 for the moment 🙂
I wouldn’t expect to be there for long – there are a lot of very prolific bloggers out there!

Categorised as Random

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. A bit misleading surely? One blog there was started in 1996 and has just over 1000 posts, yet it makes the list.
    My humble effort has a mere 260 posts in the last 20 weeks, but if I had been going that long I would have around 6500.
    Not that I’m doing it to break any records. I could post 10 pieces of rubbish a day, instead of the usual one or two.

  2. So I’m just a big tractor in a very small field ploughing a lonely furrow!
    It would have been slightly better to judge on posts per day.
    But even then, by their criteria, Enid Blyton is a better writer than Shakespeare……?

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