Keeping track of your adsense performance can be a daunting task, even though Google have made some serious improvements to the UI of their publisher centre.
Even using the more advanced reports it is not possible to see which ads on which pages are generating income and which ones aren’t.
A couple of months ago Adsenselogger was released.
The script is described as:
The first ever, public released open source php adsense tracker.
A great majority of the internet webmasters that earn a advertising revenue with Google’s Adsense program, have been looking for more in-depth and detailed statistical information on their Adsense performance.
Until now, this kind of information has been restricted to the few who have purchased one of the very few commercial scripts available.
As it is Open Source other coders are free to make improvements or other modifications to it.
One such modification is the WordPress plugin (found via)
This plugin is quite simple to install and is almost a case of “dropping it in”, though you do need to change the permissions on a couple of files (maybe this will be done via a script in a later release?)
Once the plugin is installed you need to configure it with your adsense account details, which you can do via the new menu option “Adsense Logger”, which will have appeared in your admin area.
NB: Unlike most plugins the menu is not under “options” it is in the main menu area.
You should then be able to follow all adsense impressions and clicks with ease.
It looks pretty nifty, but only by using it will you get an idea if it is of any use or not.
With the release last week of an enhanced adsense plugin things are really looking up for adsense users