Irish Software Company Infacta Joins Blogosphere

Although I have my reservations about the merits of business blogging I was very pleasantly surprised to discover that the Infacta team have started a blog.

I’ve been using their GroupMail Email Marketing Software for quite some time and absolutely love it!
I’m not 100% sure which direction the Infacta team are going to take their blog, but it has a lot of potential. There are a couple of interesting articles on their site which email marketers could do well to read. If the team can strike the right balance between self-promotion and information resource it could really help boost their profile.
Their software, which I’ve mentioned more than once in the past, is fantastic for those of us who like to do our own email marketing.
Here’s wishing them the best of luck!

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Chris
    We have a lot of clients that offer a very wide range of products. If I happen to find a product or service useful why shouldn’t I endorse it?
    I’ll be removing your self-promotion links from your comment, as they are not relevant.

  2. Thanks for the welcome Michele!
    Our intention for the blog is to provide more behind the scenes information to our customers and to share some knowledge informally. I’m sure that will lead to some self promotion but I can assure you that won’t be our aim or ambition.
    Thanks again!

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