How many Irish business bloggers / entrepeneurial bloggers are there out there?
I don’t mean the casual bloggers – I’m talking the serial, serious bloggers who post on a regular basis (not necessarily frequently)
I would check my Thunderbird feeds, but they’re on my other PC, but I think there’s about a half dozen or so who I would read on a regular basis.
New but trying.
I wouldn’t consider my own blog a business blog, but does exist partially to aid my career development; I guess a business blog would discuss it’s product or market a lot; I would discuss the market I’m aiming for (the media) but not my product (me)… instead I just hope that my product becomes apparent through my discussion of the market! Kind of an odd situation!
Would i be regular enough?
Would i be regular enough?
Alan – If you’re referring to your blogging, then I’d say yes. You don’t blog as much as others, but you do blog regularly
I’ve only just started but me likes it!
My Argolon blog is my business one.
My Argolon blog is my business one.
Only returned to blogging in the past week. I would’nt count at present… but in the future I hope to be a worthwhile consideration.
Only at it for 2 weeks so I am a complete NOOB to blogging (learning quickly though 🙂 ).
As I’m trying to build a business around SEO my blog is going to be more or less 100% business based.
I never really read blogs before, but I am incresing the feeds into my reader every day and always on the lookout for Irish technology blogs.
I think the biggest impeding factor to maintaining a good business blog is the time required to author quality material and posts.
We use an official blog, a news blog for press releases, and have now added a ‘status’ blog and even have an internal blog 🙂 Invaluable for small business to keep in touch 🙂
I thought I left a comment here earlier. No more posts from me allowed?
Richard – for some bizarre reason your comments were flagged as spam!
Getting my head around blogging at present. There is a lot to learn about it but I feel that it is a great way of driving targetted traffic to a website.
I wouldn’t post very frequently for the sake of it, but I do find that it is a great platform for complementing my SEO article site.
The more I learn the more I will appreciate (and use) wordpress and blogging in general.