iPod Nano Wins

Prior to the Blog Awards I took delivery of an iPod Nano to give to the winner. At the time I was sorely tempted to get a nano for myself, but I resisted.. at least for a while
Anyhow my personal iPod Nano arrived on Friday afternoon. It was shipped from Hong Kong, as I had it etched with the Blacknight Logo. It looks kind of like this:
iPod Nano Blacknight Logo
Unfortunately I couldn’t get the text bit onto it, so it’s just the logo at the top, but even so it looks very cool.
Under Windows there is iTunes to manage your playlists and send files across to it, while on Linux I’ve been experimenting with gtkpod, which seems to be more functional than iTunes.
The next question, of course, is whether I want to put linux on it or not…

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. You can get normal text for free when ordering through the online store .. I’m not sure about images. As blacknight says “It was shipped from Hong Kong” so I dont think the lads down in Apple (cork) are doing them 😛

  2. Dave – that’s where I found it as well 🙂
    Unfortunately they aren’t very good at answering emails……….

  3. Hello,
    What do I have to do, to make an audiobook file appear on the audiobook folder on my iPod?
    I didn’t get it how does it work.
    Is there a special extension for audiobooks, because I’ve tried to convert to ACC (tutorial on this forum) but it didn’t work.
    Please, help me.

  4. Hi everyone.
    What’s a good alternative to the IPOD?
    I’m wondering if any of you can recommend a good MP3 player that is comparable to the IPod but WITHOUT they hype and price tabe to go with it.
    I was at the apple store a few days ago, and really liked the new 40GB or 80GB IPods that also show video, but was wondering if I could get the same kind of funcationality without that heftly price tag.

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