There must be something in the air! Nominet recently rebranded and now IEDR are to follow suit.
The new logo comes in two flavours – without text and with text:
The plain logo without any extra text:
The logo with “explanatory” text:
They’ve also issued some guidelines on usage, which shows some level of interest in maintaining a uniform brand identity.
I’m sure some people will criticise the new look logo and related brand image when it is fully launched in 2006
Well I think it’s pretty 🙂
Eughhhh – hate those fridge magnet fonts. 70s Corporate Ireland, anyone?
All those dots look like half of Nominet’s old logo.
Don’t like the shades of green either, they remind me of the skanky old Dublin busses.
Dunno why the ‘ie’ and ‘dr’ are different sizes either, they look a bit all over the shop.
I dont think it is a good identity but i do think it is more attractive then their last one.
Very 1960s or early 1970s. At least it is better than than the very Oirish Aer Lingus clone of a logo from the last “rebranding”.
The choice of colours is too close to differentiate the text properly. Though the ‘ie’ characters are the biggest, the fact that the ‘dr’ characters are a lighter colour and in a visually more prominent position is distracting. If they reversed the colours on the text, it might work. The bubbles track makes it look a bit gimmicky.
John – was there a logo before the “aer lingus clone” ?