I’m currently in Madrid, where I’m waiting for my connecting flight back to Dublin.
It’s been a week. An incredibly hectic week. A week of meetings (both public and private), drinks, food, drinks, talk and all those other wonderful things that big industry events bring with them.
The only problem is that I am broken.
I’m physically destroyed!
It is my intention to get myself back to a nice warm bed as soon as possible, as I have some serious catching up on sleep to do.
I think my poor liver could also do with a break!
yeah, my heart bleeds for ya 😉
Thanks for the sympathy 🙂
stop crying like a girl, you enjoyed it, it seems like an enjoyable event! get over it :p roll on next year
Next year? There’s more than 1 ICANN meeting each year 🙂
The next one is in Puerto Rico
Oh so roll on the next holiday so! well for some! jammy!