I Hate My Hoover

For the last 3 weeks I have been unable to hoover my house. Ordinarily this wouldn’t bother me too much, but when you simply cannot hoover your house due to the lack of hoover bags it’s simply frustrating.
I say I hate my hoover, however, in reality, I hate shop owners who make promises that they have no intention of fulfilling.
Why is it that I can order the most obtuse bit of equipment from a supplier and get it in 48 hours, yet I cannot get a local shop to supply me with the correct bags for my hoover??
In the end I’ve been forced to buy the damned bags online – a task I had to use a UK site to accomplish (Don’t any Irish sites sell hoover bags?)

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. There’s a shop in Coburg street in Cork which specialises in selling bags for vacuum cleaners almost exclusively! I don’t imagine they have a website!

  2. Bagless is the only way to go Michele. I bought a Dyson last year and even though the the plastic fittings seem a bit flimsy I still can’t believe how much less frustrating the chore of vacuum cleaning has become. Suction remains strong until the chamber is full and emptying it is a very simple matter.

  3. James – how much did the Dyson cost? I just spent about 20 euro on bags for my “normal” hoover …
    Richard – Looks interesting. Are they Irish?

  4. You know I can’t for the life of me remember how much I paid for it Michele but it was one of the cheaper Dyson models (Dual Cyclone not Root Cyclone) and I got it in Argos.

  5. the one you are having trouble with would not be a nilfisk by any chance would it? my poor mother’s heart was broken trying to get bags and parts for one of those a couple of years ago. *even* she caved in and bought a dyson then and has never looked back – they are a lot more solid than they look and if my mother thinks the suction is ok then it’s fantastic by normal standards! she says it was worth getting for the freedom from the perpetual torture of getting bags alone! mind you, she still has an old one somewhere (either a vax or a nilfisk) for really tough jobs because she says that the dyson can’t hack it…

  6. Michele my husband bought me one for christmas, kind of a james spader moment with the dust buster. Threw it at him but you know what, couldn’t live without it. The dyson.. not the husband.

  7. Irene – I checked the pricing on the Dyson over the weekend.. I think I’ll be living without it for a bit longer

  8. Richard thanks for the mention.
    We are Irish and part of George Conboy Electrical Services which has been operating for over 40 years in Galway, providing spares, sales and service for a variety of home appliances. I setup the site for this sole reason. People find it hard to get replacement bags for their cleaners. I personally find bagless cleaners a let down, they are not pleasant to empty and the filters are usually as expensive as bags.
    Hope we can help in the future. You can also access the site at http://www.conboyelectrical.com.

  9. I had the same problem a few months ago and bought a Dyson. Big mistake! I had a look at the machine and they’re actually mads in china, cheap labour, poor quality. I’ve since gone back to using my old Nilfisk. I fixed her up with a new filter from Nilfisk in Carlow and its LIKE BRAND NEW. They’re in the Strawhall Industrial estate. Get this, the bags were half the price I pain in Power City and DID electrical and they’re the real deal, not some rip-off imatition. They take credid cards over the phone or you can just email them. info@nilmack.ie

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