High Definition DVD Players?


Anyone who knows me soon realises that I am quite passionate about film.

While other guys like to plonk themselves on the couch to watch the big match, I’m a lot happier watching the latest DVD releases or some random film on Sky (though that is becoming increasingly rare due to their stupid timetable).

With the current format wars I feel that the only way to possibly win is by forking out for a multiformat player of some kind. The only one I’ve come across is from LG.

LG BH-100 HD/DVD/Blu-Ray Disc Player

It looks like a pretty nice piece of kit, but I’m not sure that I am up to paying that kind of money, especially when I know that:

  • Prices will drop
  • Standard DVD players cost as little as 40 euro
  • I don’t have any Blu Ray or HD DVD discs yet apart from some multi-format ones from the US

However I don’t know which format is going to win out in the end, so I’d almost prefer to hedge my bets.

The problem remains, however, that the only player I can find is damn expensive!

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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