In common with a lot of other bloggers I tend to blog about things that catch my attention.
In some instances this could be a new gadget or maybe a news story. In other instances it might be something that is of interest to me because it affects the industry I work in.
I’ve probably posted quite a few things that some people do not agree with, but I don’t think anyone could ever realistically accuse me of “hiding behind my blog”. Let’s consider that accusation for a moment.
If you look at it from any angle it can only lead to one possible, and quite ridiculous interpretation.
My name is on this blog, as is my photo, my affiliations and my contact details.
How can I possibly hide??
Hmmm.. this post is slightly cryptic…
So have you been accused of hiding or is this a crafty bit of link bait?
Tapping fingers on table….
Richard – I thought it was obvious π
Yes – I was accused yesterday of “hiding behind my blog”….
Sorry didn’t see that and I’ve been reading Copyblogger (probably one of the best sites I’ve come across in a long time) so I wasn’t sure if you were trying to reel us in….lol
I wouldn’t elevate snarky commentary by musing about it because you already have the weight of the community behind you without even asking for a hand count.
Bernie – thanks π
I’m being a bit slow I guess but I can’t find the comment on ‘hiding behind your blog’ can you link to it?
Without reading the post/comments I guess I can’t really comment, but if it was on your personal blog then the comment didn’t really make any sense. What makes me curious is that you’ve been blogging a while, you must have come across lots of useless comments – what made you respond to this one?
It’s not the first cryptic comment though, and it’s quite annoying. If people are going to comment on something like this in their blog, I think they should explain the background or jut not comment. All or nothing Michele!
I’m not trying to be cryptic.. Yesterday someone contacted me about a post I made a while back and started ranting. What stuck with me was the comment about “hiding behind the blog”, which is what motivated me to make this post.. Also bear in mind the time of the morning I posted it π
stop hiding behind your posts!
I think it’s obvious, he/she wants you to come out and have a real “scrap” outside π
Forget about whoever it was, not worth your time.
It’s called the Open Source approach to blogging. You haven’t anything to hide. *smile*
There is very definitely a culture of pseudonyms and avatars at the moment. I worked on a site for struggling scriptwriters and had to beat them around the head to use their real names. What’s the point of trying to build a site and get noticed if you don’t use your real name? It surprised me how tenacious the feeling was/is.