Harry Potter Bit Torrent Story Leads To TakeDown Notices

Techcrunch’s Michael Arrington is reporting that JK Rowlings’ publishers are issuing takedown notices to websites that mentioned the bit torrent story.
So now if you mention that a file is available on bit torrent without even linking to it you get a takedown notice?
I do not like copyright infringement and have every intention of buying a copy of the new Harry Potter book this weekend, but I find the publisher’s attitude to be laughable.

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

One comment

  1. This is absolutely stupid. First of all, there is an unspoken respect I think with all HP fans. No matter what, we are all going to buy the book. SIX copies of half blood prince were bought in my house on its release.
    Now, takedown notices for a mere mention? Scholastic and the MPAA, separated at birth?

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