Getting the irrigation in the greenhouse sorted has been revolutionary. I was away for about a week in Berlin and Krakow and when I came back the plants in the greenhouse hadn’t died. I might even need to water them less!
So with that aspect of the greenhouse’s management sorted out…
Unfortunately some of the seedlings I’d been growing inside the house didn’t take too kindly to be left alone for a few days, so I decided that I’d have to buy some tomato plants locally.
Last year I got a few bits at the local The Range, however this year I doubt I will, as their plants are obviously not getting ANY TLC:

In the end I headed over to The Arboretum and picked up a selection of tomato plants as well as a couple of peppers and a courgette.
The pepper plants have gone into planters which are in the greenhouse, while the tomatoes and courgette went into the raised beds in the greenhouse:

As you can see I’ve already got the supports for the tomato plants ready to go. Last year the lack of support of the tomato plants was my undoing. I’m hoping that this year things will go better, though I suspect I’ll run into new issues! 🙂 You can also see the watering piping as well as a little strawberry plant I felt needed a new home.
I’m away again for a few days, so I’m hoping by the time I get back that some of the stuff I planted out in the last few days will have taken root and maybe even grown a bit.
The potatoes that I’m trying to grow in bags are also doing fairly well so far, though I need to top up the bags with more soil.
I also need to work out what on earth I’m going to plant in the raised beds outside. Last year I planted some bits and pieces but it was a total disaster as I didn’t really know what I’d planted and the entire area just became a mess of green.
Hopefully this year I’ll do better overall!
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