I’ve posted a couple of times in the last few months about my mixed feeling towards Google.
Yesterday I was contacted by an American journalist who was doing a story on Google’s customer service – or rather the lack thereof.
Yesterday evening was also the evening that I was heading out to meet some of the guys for a pre-Christmas drink, so I replied to the journalist’s email very quickly without doing any further digging.
This morning when I fell out of bed I got several news alerts for both my name and that of the company. It transpires that the journalist was writing for eWeek and my comments are in one of the articles there:
Googleites Gripe About Sloppy Service
Is Analytics support really all that bad?
I posted a couple of times about this in the past. See:
Check out ClickTracks Michele – no use for your customers (since it’s a PC install) but it’s a great analytics program – and the support is decent also.
Ed – Thanks for the tip, but I’m actually trying to dump windows completely at the moment.. The only thing that keeps me using it at all is the AIB business banking, as it require the MS JVM (though you can bludgeon it into working using crossover office)
My bet is Google will woo everyone using the upcoming “Google Talk” IP phone service.
Live chat would’ve made me happy but with ebay buying up Skype, it only makes sense for Google to its own IP phone plans and be the first one to use it… a little bit like Gmail which was -secretly- used by employees for roughly a year before it was released as a beta.
To be efficient, Google needs to be streamlined and that’s probably the reason customer service isn’t a mature department at Google, yet.
They’re too smart not to see any shortcoming in their array of offerings.