Get My Name Right!

Image via Wikipedia

Ok. Yes. I do have a rather “odd” first name.

It’s not common in this country.

It is, however, very common in Italy.

Now I know that people have problems with my name and I am also very aware of the fact that most people can’t pronounce it correctly.

The doesn’t really bother me.

What does, however, bother me is that people can’t spell it.

Now if they’ve only ever heard my name and never seen it written it’s perfectly understandable.

However every single email I send (both personal and professional) has my name tacked on at the bottom. It’s also in the “sender” section, it’s part of my email address and I usually sign my name as well. You’ll also find it at the top of every page on this site.

It’s not rocket science!

There is one “L” – not two. If there were two then I’d probably look nice in skirt (I don’t think I want to even visualise that!)

There is no “K” – honest.  If I don’t use a “K”, why would you?

Rant over

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Gonna give a bit of personal info away here but anyway:
    When you were a prefect I always thought your first name was pronounced similar to the female but with an accent! i.e. a bit French!
    It was only the other day when Bernie pronounced your name otherwise I got a bit worried!
    But now I know 😉

  2. It pisses me off very slightly when people pronounce my name as “Neil” instead of as “Nile”, which is correct in my case… especially customers in work (most of whom have dealt with me at least 5 days a week for the past 7 months).
    Doesn’t help when they explain “Oh, I have a cousin named Neil” or “oh sure it’s your name in Irish?” … because well, I’m not your f**king cousin and you’re not speaking Irish – are you?
    So now, when a customer says “Hi NEIL…”, I say “No, Niall”. F**k it, I’ll beat it into them if I have to.
    Wow… you spurred me into a little rant there…

  3. you’re not alone in that!
    one thing that’s doubly annoying is that some of my clients would have only seen my name in print, so how is it that they spell it wrong? it’s only 3 letter! ffs.

  4. I get Alan Kavanagh in correspondence all the time. Obviously I spell my own name correctly when filling out forms etc, but people seem happier to go with how they think it should be spelled.

  5. I’m probably to blame for this post, although in my defense I did apologise after I realised I had referred to you as a woman.
    Bet you’d look good in a skirt 🙂

  6. Did Krishna De pronounce it correctly in the podcasts you did with her in the lead up to Podcamp?
    People are always leaving the “O” out of my surname!

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