Back in January the weather was miserable. It was cold. It was dark. You’d go to bed in darkness and if you have a normal day job you’d end up getting up in darkness too. Horrid.
It’s like that here every year.
But this year we were on a “Level 5 lockdown” due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So we’re all restricted to our homes and most things are closed.
So you’ve got the nasty weather and a pretty grim situation.
End result: nobody is particularly happy.
We are now more than halfway through March and the weather has been improving.
The days are longer (sunset today is at 1841, with dusk at 1916).
Being able to sit outside in my back garden for brunch is pleasant.
Yesterday I was out and about a bit around the town and a bit further afield.
So many swans!
Look at that sky! Yesterday’s weather was lovely. Still a bit crisp, but definitely the kind of weather where you want to be outside and enjoy it.
Hopefully the weather will be pleasant this weekend and I’ll be able to spend a bit of time working on the garden – I’ve a load of plants to sort out.
I’ve decided to put in some heather in the front garden and I’m going to try and get some wild flowers to grow around the front of the house. I’ve also got a couple of lavender plants that need to end up somewhere, though I’m not 100% sure where yet.
My dining room table is currently covered in seedlings, but I’m not sure if it’s too early to plant them out or not. My main worry is that the frost could still get them.
Of course I don’t know which seedling is which, as the labels fell off. Guess I’ll find out if they survive and grow!