We’ve just added asp.net 2.0 support to our windows 2003 hosting plans
So, why not be generous?
First person to send me an email to michele@blacknight.ie with the subject line “I want one of those” will get the following:
The Offer:
- one year basic windows hosting with asp.net 2 support
- FREE domain (com/net/org/info/biz or co.uk)
Is there a catch?
Only thing we ask is that the person actually uses the account for asp.net 2.0 as we will expect feedback 🙂
Interested? Send me an email to my work email address as specified above
This is offer is valid for readers of this blog only.
Thanks for the emails, but there could be only one freebie 🙂
Congrats Ed
Am I the first one?
I just got your Feedblitz an hour ago on this post(26Jan06 12:36) but looks like it is beind on your blog post. A little glitch there I think.
In an event, since you mentioned it, we are thinking of moving from Hosting365 and would be interested in talking with you
I think feedblitz updates subscribers arbitrarily – I keep getting updates at very odd intervals. The “premium” service may update more frequently. Of course standard RSS via feedburner tends to be more accurate 🙂
With regard to hosting – give us a shout and we’d be more than happy to discuss your needs
Bugger, beaten to it 🙂
woohoo!!! 🙂
ello Chris 🙂
Drop me a note re: thinking of moving away from 365 and I am sure I can give you many reasons to stay 😉 🙂
I was waiting for that 🙂
Ah well, he’s probably not aware of our exciting new plans!! (and we already do ASP 2.0 🙂 ;0 🙂 )
Offer him .NET 3.0, Steve.
Incidentally, I hope that you meant .NET 2.0. ASP 2.0 is the predecessor of ASP 3.0, the ordinary legacy ASP that everyone hates. 🙂
Burn!!!! 🙂