Dropping Sweetcron

I was using Sweetcron to publish a rather boring “life stream” over on one of my other personal domains.

Unfortunately the script has been pretty much abandoned by developers, so no new features or updates have been made in well over a year.

It also didn’t have ANY caching options whatsoever, so it really wasn’t a “gentle” script to run.

I’m currently looking for a suitable alternative, though I’m experimenting with a WordPress plugin and theme, which seem to work reasonably well.

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Why not try Posterous, given that’s what the application’s develor abandoned it for?

  2. @’m using sweetcron but I recently updated my site to do something similar with my various feeds in a more designed way:
    So for example on http://www.irishstu.com/xcommunications.php I pull in a Pix.ie feed using javascript and an RSS feed using google’s gfeed jQuery plugin
    So far I’m pulling in twitter, last.fm, flickr, pix.ie and delicious. They all either use a javascript/flash widget from the site, or use jQuery to pull in feeds from RSS or APIs.
    Feel free to use and abuse as needed – I customised some scripts a bit for my own needs.

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