Cool Twitter Mugs

Twitter seems to spawn new services on a daily basis. Some of them are useful, some strange, some really bizarre and some are pretty cool

LeCraic has started doing mugs with your Twitter followers and I was lucky enough to get one in the post the other day.

Here’s a photo:


Nice idea and you can order your own here

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. I hope I am on that one too or the Tipperary Institute avatar.Ha. This is a great brand buiding exercise. I can have someone look at the TI logo everytime they drink a cup of tea without doing any work. All praise LeCraic!

  2. Hi Kenneth
    The whole thing is “automatic” for anyone that orders from me too. I do all the work – i.e. the important bit of actually making the mug. As I emailed you this morning – I became aware of your offering after I made my own mug – that’s what I do for a living.
    If it makes you feel better and be credited for coming up with the idea first, I will update my own page or perhaps a new blog post to really highlight this

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