I get cold calls from sales people on a regular basis. Some of the callers are very nice and charming etc., and we have pleasant conversations.
Others should really choose another field of work
Really – they are not suited to direct selling.
If you ring me up and try to sell me advertising you need to tell me why I should do it.
This afternoon a very nervous sales person rang trying to sell me advertising in a new magazine. Or maybe it wasn’t a new magazine.. He couldn’t really make up his mind. Questioning him about this upset him
When he told me that we should advertise in it because we “made websites” I naturally corrected him and asked him what he thought we did.. and why hadn’t he even looked at our website.
He had hung up.
How mature
So if you get a call from a rather nervous guy selling advertising in a publication that might be new or might not be (he may have decided by the time he calls you) then watch out!
Did you make him cry…… Excellent :p
I’ve no idea. He hung up on me!