Running a website off a CMS (content management system) makes a lot of sense, especially if you want to maintain uniformity and allow publishing of new content with ease.
There are, however, a huge number of CMS solutions to choose from.
How can you make the right decision?
It’s not an easy task. However, it is an important choice to make, as you will have to live with it for quite some time ie. you can’t simply dump one solution in favour of another.
There are a number of sites that can help you get a better idea of the available solutions.
One such site is Open Source CMS which allows you to test a wide variety of OSS CMS.
Of course the testing doesn’t answer some of the more pressing questions that you may have. If, for example, one of your criteria is XHTML rendering, then you would have to go through the feature list of each and every CMS that you liked in order to see if it was supported.
Do you honestly have the time and energy to do that?
A simpler solution would be to search for CMS based on what they supported, which is where CMS Matrix comes in.
You can interact with the list of CMS in two ways:
Choose up to 10 solutions and compare them side by side
Enter your criteria and watch the list of compatible CMS reduce to those that support what you need.
Definitely a lot better than trying to choose “blind”