What are the criteria for choosing a blogging platform?
Over the last few weeks and months I’ve spoken to quite a few bloggers about blogging (strangely enough!) and in the process I’ve also become aware of the issues that many less technical bloggers face.
When you decide to start a blog which platform is the most suitable for you?
While I may evaluate the various solutions from a functionality and feature perspective many others are faced with usability issues.
Posting an entry on any of the many software and hosted solutions out there is not overly complex, but when it comes to customisation, extensions and personalisation, many people seem to founder.
As part of the preparations for the blogging seminar next week I’ve decided to spend a certain degree of my time over the weekend examining and testing the variety of solutions currently available. In many cases I may have already tried the software in the past, but more recent versions may have brought new features and options, so I need to look at them again.
Before starting my blog I had a look at what platform other blogs used. I ruled out some, such as blogger. I found that movable type seemed to be the most customisable, and from what I had read possibly the best. Although I knew nothing about it worked I decided to go for it, knowing that the only way to learn was to try it out. It took me a bit of time but im happy I chose it.
I still have lots to learn…
Phil – are you still using it?
If so, how long have you been using it?
Michele, I am still using MT, and have been since i first set up my blog in sept of last year.
How did you find the install?
Oh yeah. The reason I chose my current host is because they offered the service of setting it up for me. I had read about setting it up and i just got completely lost everytime. But they did it all for me, which was great.
After previously trying Textpattern i tried customising the template of an install of wordpress last night. Found both very simple to install and customise.
Alan – but would you recommend it to your mother?
Absolutly not 🙂
My mum will barely venture beyond donny.com!