“Monster, on the other hand, rocks!”
Oh dear, I wonder why their market share in going down the swanny faster than a pint of Guiness at a Rugby convention, then?
Having worked in H.R. for a number of years, there are only two websites in Ireland that can provide you with a healthy supply of applicants… and they’re both… Irish! Jobs.ie and Irishjobs.ie.
I subscribe to jobs.ie on an annual basis (I have done so for the last three years). The quantity of applicants from both Jobs.ie and Irishjobs are similar. However, Jobs.ie win on both price and customer care, for me.
I can post a job on the jobs.ie website, whenever I want… no need to contact them. All applications are then hand-screened before I get them… leaving me with an inbox of qualified applicants.
Far from the Irish website “sucking”, as you say. Infact, Monster (in Ireland), suck greater than a Nilfisk. ;):)
Nice to see Blacknight growing Michele. Just make sure you make every effort not to become one of Them.
“Them” being?
Presumably ‘them’ are giant faceless companies.
“Monster, on the other hand, rocks!”
Oh dear, I wonder why their market share in going down the swanny faster than a pint of Guiness at a Rugby convention, then?
Having worked in H.R. for a number of years, there are only two websites in Ireland that can provide you with a healthy supply of applicants… and they’re both… Irish! Jobs.ie and Irishjobs.ie.
I subscribe to jobs.ie on an annual basis (I have done so for the last three years). The quantity of applicants from both Jobs.ie and Irishjobs are similar. However, Jobs.ie win on both price and customer care, for me.
I can post a job on the jobs.ie website, whenever I want… no need to contact them. All applications are then hand-screened before I get them… leaving me with an inbox of qualified applicants.
Far from the Irish website “sucking”, as you say. Infact, Monster (in Ireland), suck greater than a Nilfisk. ;):)