I mentioned armchair.ie a couple of times over the last couple of weeks. Maybe people were being polite about it, but the design wasn’t exactly amazing.
That’s all changed now, thank to Alan “SpoiltChild” O’Rourke, who presented me with some new graphics for the site, as he felt it coule be “improved” – polite designer speak for made look attractive.
The new header graphics really transform the site’s look and feel and I am absolutely delighted!
Thanks Alan!
Fucking hell. There’s a difference. Great design!
Damien – you can say that again 🙂
Fantastic, really improved, I can give a honest review on Search.ie now!
Tom – I look forward to reading it 🙂
Have it say it does look a lot less templated now, very nice header and link images. The use of orange is still a bit odd in my opinion since the header is totally green and orange only features as a ‘2nd header’ colour. Personally i’d use the same green where you have orange or a lighter shade of green.
that should be “have to say”
I’m always a little unnerved, and not a little jealous by/of people who can do design well. It seems to be a bit of a black art…
Cormac – I’m still tweaking it based on other people’s input – including yours
Rob – I know how you feel 🙂