BarCamp Southeast Blogs

I was looking over the BarCamp Southeast blog and wiki this evening and had yet another of my silly ideas. Why not aggregate the blogs of the speakers and attendees?
So I did!
BarCamp Bloggers
It’s not that pretty, but I was more concerned about getting the RSS feeds into it than anything else.
If you are not listed and think you should be please post a comment below with a link to your feed – the wordpress plugin I used is pretty good at RSS discovery, but in some cases it either couldn’t find the feeds or simply timed out before it could pull them in.
If you are listed and want to let me know when you’ve posted again simply add the site to your ping list:
It should pick up on the new posts automatically, but just in case 🙂

Categorised as Random

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Sorry, bloody Blogger! I’m hoping to get the move to WordPress completed this weekend, even though it means re-creating all my posts manually… great fun!

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