A Bit of SQL For Jobberbase Open Source Job Board

JobberBase is an open source job board application written in php / mysql.

It’s pretty powerful and is open source, so I’ve decided to use it for one of my many sideline projects that I promised myself to get off the ground this year.

Unfortunately there wasn’t any SQL for the counties of Ireland, so I did up a simple one last night.

You can grab it here

Thanks to Paul from BlackDog for recommending the script!

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Two questions that got me curious:
    1. Why did you include Belfast as a county, resulting in 33 counties in total?
    2. Why did you include the first entry for Ireland with the id of -1.

  2. James
    1 – simply because it’s the only major urban centre that isn’t the same name as the actual county itself. Cork is in Cork, Dublin is in Dublin etc 🙂
    2 – You’ll notice on the install at technicaljobs.ie that Ireland is showing slightly indented – that’s why / how

  3. Nice. Could be a lot of work for you though? Considering the spam that actually gets published as jobs on job sites and the usual penis enlargement spam.

  4. Gary
    That’s a fair point, but as it’s written in PHP it wouldn’t be that hard to use some simple GEO IP code to deny certain IP ranges access to the job submission page ie. as it’s aimed at Ireland then blocking everywhere else from that one page shouldn’t cause any negative impact.

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