More and more bloggers seem to be using Adsense, though I doubt if that many of them are making “big bucks”.
Google has made even more improvements to the interface recently. You can now see at a glance exactly how much money you’ve earned in a given period. The interface is much simpler to navigate as well, so you should be able to see which sites are performing better than others a lot faster.
If you want to see the older format you still can, but that is now considered to be the “advanced” mode, as it gives you a much finer level of control over the presentation of data.
Edit: I skimmed the changes to the terms and conditions earlier. Fortunately other, more patient people, didn’t. Jesús spotted an interesting change in the way adsense unit impressions are logged. Previously each adsense unit impression was counted as a separate page impression. If you had 3 units on a page then 1 page impression gave 3 adsense impressions, which was incorrectly reported as 3 pages impressions. Now you should see page impressions being logged as page impressions and ads being logged as ads.
This may not have a huge impact on some people, but it will give you a much clearer idea of what is actually happening in terms of click rates.
Ah, you saw it too. I just came home and got a shock. Not sure I’m so keen.
I was a bit taken aback when I logged in, but I definitely like it. In any case I can always use the “advanced” view if I want to see the older format
hey!! thanks for the link
Somebody add Google must have been watching me, because they put all my common reports into single clicks on the Overview page. Very happy!