156935 lines

What’s the significance of that number?

It’s the number of lines in the WordPress “XML” export that I used to migrate from WordPress to Movabletype.

I put the XML in inverted commas as it doesn’t validate. You have to “massage” it quite a bit to get rid of junk and make it pass a simple validation test.

Thanks to Niall for pointing me in the direction of XML Starlet, which is a command line XML validator.
Using XML Starlet and gvim I was able to edit and hack the XML file into a state where it was usable. One of the Japanese engineers in SixApart had already been doing some work on the importer, so the permalinks (basenames) weren’t being messed with.
I’ll provide a full write up on how the migration was done once I’ve ironed out a couple of minor annoyances (of my own creation)

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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