Apple’s marketing department sends me email once every week or so.. Today they’re trying to persuade me to swap my PC for a Mac:
“Frustrated with your PC? Time for a Mac.”
Ok. Convince me!
The Apple marketing department aren’t that bright… or maybe they’re on a different wavelength to the rest of us:
Ok. The guy on the left looks a bit boring, but the guy on the right looks like he’s missing a few brain cells.
So would buying a Mac result in a loss of IQ?
nuff said!
so – does this mean u wouldnt buy a Mac. I resisted for a long time mostly for price reasons. I finally got an iMac (intel dual core 20″).
I’ve been astounded at the quality of the UI, the stability and bootstrapper means I can drop back to XP any time (concurrently).
So this combines my love of Unix with a beautiful work environment. Better than all the Linux flavors I’ve wrestled with over the years.
Freebsd with xfce and Wine will do most of the above without the overpriced hardware π
I’d use a Mac – I’m just not sure I’d buy one….
I currently use a dual-boot system on my home pc and linux only on my laptop, so I’m not so sure I can justify the expense of the Apple hardware…
agree – and i’ve used that combo for quite some time
but I think the Mac desktop is superb and I’m also impressed by the build quality – especially the screen.
In reality its been hijacked by my wife – it certainly looks good on her desk. I’m mostly back to using SuSE.
Are you kidding. The guy on the right is the guy who kept getting hit by the balls in Dodge ball and getting back up for more. He is freckin hilarious. Who wouldn’t that make want a Mac!!
Are you kidding. The guy on the right is the guy who kept getting hit by the balls in Dodge ball and getting back up for more. He is freckin hilarious. Who wouldn’t that make want a Mac!!
So mac users are suckers for punishment? π
Did i say that! Did you see me saying that! Nobody else heard me saying that! How did i say that! My lips didnt even move. π
Did i say that! Did you see me saying that! Nobody else heard me saying that! How did i say that! My lips didnt even move. π
Macs are overpriced pieced, ego-stroking white elephants, marketing and social profiling at its best, but not superior to the PC, and by no means as versatile, easy to upgrade, or cost effective. end of story (/me imitates Paul Kelly hand chop)
Says it all really.
a little wishful thinking Conor
not only does a Mac look better than any PC on the market – its now got Unix built in – so is rock solid
I’ll just have to try get over that constant rebooting, constant threat of viruses, clunky UI multiple OS re-installs.
Hi Phil, to be honest I have used and like both. My preference is for PC because of cost effectiveness and I know it better. When in an application there is little difference UI wise and that is where I spend most of my time.
The options in Photoshop look the same and are in the same place on both.
I never have to reboot my PC, have never had a virus and with a bit of common sense never should so I sleep well. I have also never had to re-install the OS in the last 2 years. Windows doesn’t look as shiny but as I said when you are in Photoshop it doesn’t make much difference.
There is not much difference looks wise with the box tidied away under the desk.
Hi Phil, to be honest I have used and like both. My preference is for PC because of cost effectiveness and I know it better. When in an application there is little difference UI wise and that is where I spend most of my time.
The options in Photoshop look the same and are in the same place on both.
I never have to reboot my PC, have never had a virus and with a bit of common sense never should so I sleep well. I have also never had to re-install the OS in the last 2 years. Windows doesn’t look as shiny but as I said when you are in Photoshop it doesn’t make much difference.
There is not much difference looks wise with the box tidied away under the desk.
But the message in the ad is really quite clear. THE PC USER IS FAT. The obesity epidemic in the west is not because of lack of exercise, nor is it because of too many McDonalds or too much coke. It is because we are not buying enough macs.
Here you go Michele – I know this one will appeal to you
The 3rd one is excellent π
recently sent pdf doc to friend who has mac, he couldn’t open it and had to send it to his wife’s computer at work, where she printed it out and brought it home. A Mac, you must be joking…… or are you?