Some charmer decided to tag me, so I feel semi-obliged to rise to the challenge.
So why do I blog?
I started blogging for a couple of reasons.
On the one hand I wanted to play with the blogging software. I’d seen people using Movable Type and it looked pretty nifty and I also thought it would be handy to know what our clients were likely to ask for in the future (at the time the company was a hell of a lot smaller!)
The other side of it was that I actually enjoy writing. That’s not to say that I write particularly well (or particularly badly), but I’ve always enjoyed doing it. When I was in college I managed to fund a part of my studies by writing for a newspaper from time to time.
I’ve always been into language, which is probably what drew me to studying more than one language in college and spending so much time overseas.
Since I started blogging about 4 years ago I’ve found it very relaxing.
In some cases it provides a space for a little rant (a common enough use of blogs!), whereas in others it’s a handy way of seeking advice / help from others. Of course you can still do this on forums and mailing lists, but the structure of blogs and blogging lends itself to certain uses with greater ease….
I also use my blog as an “aide memoire”. If I find a solution to a problem or a handy link I may shove it on this blog (or one of my other ones) so that I can find it later.
Of course if I only had one blog it wouldn’t be too bad, but I seem to have developed a mild addiction, so instead of one or two I seem to have spawned more than half a dozen. Not all of them are actively maintained, but some of them are more active than others. For example I Squatted Your .eu is quite active at the moment as so much is going on with .eu (or isn’t going on with it, depending on your point of view)
For a long time this blog was seen by some people as the unofficial Blacknight blog, which wasn’t really my intention. Of course it’s a bit hard to separate me (a human being) from Blacknight – the company that I started, so that connection was kind of logical, although it wasn’t my intention.
In the end of course I setup an official blog for the company….
Enough of this !
So let’s see who I should tag:
John (his blog name was simply asking for it!)
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