Why would you want to fork out your hard earned cash to read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?
NB: Don’t read on if you haven’t read the book yet. Spoilers to follow.
T-Shirt hell can’t see any point either, so they’ve created a series of special t-shirts to help you save yourself money and effort.
Have a look at what they’ve done
i would way prefer to read the books then have someone spoil it for me! you find out a lot in this book that answers some of many questions posed in the other 5 books! the tshirts only tell you who die but thats not all the book is it! i for one am still going to buy the books because i like to reread them! people who make tshirts like that obviously have a lot of time on their hands and are obviously very mean spoiling the book for people who havent read it yet!
Of course. But I found their t-shirts amusing 🙂
Yeah it was but it is so mean to all those who havent read it yet!!!!!