Where are the Irish sites?

I was looking at adding some more links to Armchair.ie this morning and so I thought I’d focus on a couple of sectors in particular.
Unless I’m blind there are no indigenous shoe shops selling online. There are plenty of big multinationals selling into the Irish market, but I couldn’t find any Irish run solutions…
Is the market simply too small?

Categorised as ecommerce

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

One comment

  1. You know the way people have been ranting about the availability of broadband here? Well I think you’re probably seeing some of the impact our backwards country is having – a clear lack of understanding when it comes to operating on-line.
    Yes we are a small market, but we are aeons behind what’s going on elsewhere.
    But then again, this should mean opportunity for those with foresight to fill the gaps 🙂

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