They have finally upgraded and reworked the backend over at The previous version of the site was painfully slow to load regardless of your connection speed, while the new one has obviously been optimised.
We’re now ranked 19 on the IE toplist, which is nice. Last month was not a very active month for us in terms of CNO registrations and transfers, although we did do a lot of IE domains. I think it’s a real pity that the stats do not take into account the ccTLDs, as they give a completely perverse view of markets, not just the Irish one. I contacted them about their continued inclusion of a number of non-Irish entries in their IE top list, but they are yet to do anything about rectifying the situation.
If the statistics are anyway accurate it looks like there is quite a bit of activity in the domain market at the moment. Of course, as we all know, a lot of these domains are never going to be used, so their actual value is neglible.
Quantifying the hosting business says