Warner Brothers Studio – Burbank

After a night of beer I was feeling quite groggy this morning when Tino picked me up.
He got me to Warner Brothers for around 930 am, so I was able to regain my energy by gulping down a couple of coffees in Starbucks (I seem to be spending a lot of time in Starbucks… ).
The studio tour was absolutely incredible.
While I took the “short” two and half hour tour, there is also a longer one which lasts about 5 hours or so. After today I am seriously considering forking over the extra cash to take it.
Because it is amazing. I can’t think of suitable adjectives to describe it. I keep on coming up with silly words like “awesome” or “cool”, which really don’t do justice to the experience.
While I did get to see plenty during the tour the lot is huge, so going back for a longer tour would be really worth it.
If I was a Gilmore Girls fan I’d have been in 7th heaven, as we got to see them filming (albeit from a safe, off camera, distance).
The bat mobile driven by Christian Bale was probably one of the morning’s highlights, so I tried to take as many photos as possible. I only wish I had a better camera, as some of the photos came out looking pretty awful and I wasn’t able to get the right kind of views.. (note to self – buy a better camera)
What really amazed me was how passionate the staff of WB are. They seem to really love their jobs.
Needless to say I did succumb to temptation in the gift shop and am now the proud owner of several branded tshirts, keyrings etc.,
I’ve added a few of today’s photos to my Flickr stream

Categorised as Cinema

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. “I keep on coming up with silly words like “awesome” or “cool””
    Oh no. He’s only there a couple of days and he’s turning into an American. I knew that would happen.

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