Typo Squatters Lose

Typo squatting can be quite a lucrative business. Lucrative that is until you lose your domains via a WIPO ruling.
One squatter had three typos of amazon.com:
amazoh.com, qmqzon.com and smszon.com
As is often the case with such practices the registrant had already been subject to a number of previous WIPO hearings…
Don’t they ever learn?
Of course the question I should be asking is whether it really is worth the hassle or not..
Two of the three Amazon domains have already been redirected to Amazon.com, while the 3rd is pointing to a fairly standard monetisation service.
If it’s really worth the hassle then maybe more people should be taking advantage of the opportunities

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. I just need advice, im very new at the domain business industry, i bought a domain to be able to resell it,(i havent posted or done anything with its name or web site) like i said im new at this, but now i have this guy saying that hes going to take legal actions against me beause he has the copyrights( i checked yesterday and he does, since 2004) my question is can i at least sell it to him or my only choice is just to give it to him and avoid problems. He says i have until today to contact him.
    thank you

  2. Harold
    I’m not a legal expert, but if you sell them the domain at a lower price than the cost of them going to UDRP then you may be “okay”, however you might be better advised to seek legal advice

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