Tweakin’ and Fixin’

Since my little hiccup last night I’ve been beavering away at tweaking this so that it’s the way I want it, however if anyone spots anything that’s obviously broken I’d appreciate a heads up.
The feed was broken for most of today (cursed browser caches!!), but is now back to normal.
I just discovered that IE7 gets confused with URLs that have the “feed” prefix, so I’ve removed that ….

Categorised as Random

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Yeah it’s pretty nice, what is it of exactly? Like the site now that the posts are in the middle of advertisements. much clearer to read. Really must get my blog up and running again.

  2. Actually, it’s very light and airy.
    Very pleasant to read 🙂 A big improvement if you ask me (which you wouldn’t having the sense you do).
    What category are you looking for our reciprocal nominations in the blog awards?

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