There’s a lot of talk about what you should be blogging about, but what about the things you should not mention?
- Bodily functions
- What you really think of your partner
- What you really think of your boss
- Your next big idea before you’ve actually implemented it
- Your choice of domain name before actually registering it
- How you cheated / lied in a job interview
– and I don’t meant the “I’m not feeling very well” type posts
– if they know you at all, they can probably read your blog
Anybody got any other suggestions?
don’t post just to say how many steps you took that day 🙂
btw, that “next big idea” thing applies to me – I have an awful habit of doing half a large job, getting very excited about it, describing the next, more difficult bit, then going onto something different.
Surely you could make quite a bit on Google ads if you describe bodily functions, tho? 🙂
And I’ve done the giving away ideas in blog before; didn’t really matter, though, as it turned out that someone had already thought of it (it was a microwave thermal rocket).
Rob – it’s the really gory details of the bodily functions that nobody wants to read about.. If you were offering advice on how to cope with particular ailments you would probably make a fortune in google ads 🙂
Kae – steps as in walking?
Michele –
(sorry, bigbro 😉 )
Kae – ah