I’ve started migrating all my various WordPress based blogs over to Movable Type 4. It’s still not a stable release, but I’m more than happy to start moving the less important ones over while the developers work on fixing various aspects of the importer utilities.
Unfortunately WordPress’ export is not proper XML, so that’s not helping matters.
The first blog to move over to the new platform is MobileBlogr.com, which I picked up secondhand from Ken a few months ago.
Being able to use the MT interface to manage multiple sites makes life much much easier, plus I’ll be able to post from my n95, which is an added bonus!
It will be good to see that go somewhere! (mobileblogr that is).
Oh God. I don’t think I’d be able to stand another move so soon.
I’ll stick with WP for now.
One of the many advantages to using MT is that I can login to one backend and post to any one of the sites that I think is more suitable. One of the reasons why the site wasn’t active was because I’d keep forgetting about it!