Taylor Swift in Milan Opening Segment (Video)

Taylor Swift puts on a really good show.

While I’d got to see her in Paris back in May, I’d been planning to see her in Milan since last year. The entire ticket allocation process for the Taylor Swift concerts was so convoluted I wasn’t even able to get any kind of ticket for the Dublin dates, but could get a “VIP” one for Milan. Having a seat higher up in the stadium gives a very different perspective of the concert and being able to sit from time to time was nice!

Here’s the opening segment:

The concert / show runs for over 3 hours and is very slick. The stage is big, but she uses pretty much all of it.

Now if only the idiot “influencer” who insisted on providing “commentary” throughout the entire show while she streamed it could have kept her mouth shut or the volume down …

Categorised as Music

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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