I've got a fairly big garden which I haven't really done a lot with. This year I am changing that. I already had a small herb garden as well as a couple of berry bushes. I've added to that with a VegTrug herb garden and I'm currently expecting delivery for a VegTrug raised planter. But while you can successfully grow quite a few things outdoors in Ireland there's also a lot … [Read more...] about Time to Get a Greenhouse
Taking a Greenhouse to a new Level
Making use of a greenhouse can make a lot of sense, but one family have taken that to a whole new level. They've put the greenhouse around their house. It's a very interesting concept, though you'd either need to be doing a new build or have a lot of space around an existing structure to even consider doing it. Here's a video that explains how it all works: Love the … [Read more...] about Taking a Greenhouse to a new Level