As of today this blog has a new web address:
I’m delighted to have been able to get this domain and excited to be switching over to it.
For the past 13+ years I’ve been blogging under /blog on a number of different domains. I started out with, but several years ago I upgraded to However I still kept the old web structure, so apart from the blog there were (and still are) a few other pages and things “living” at that domain. I’d wanted to move stuff around for ages, but never got round to it. When I finally was able to get the domain it was the perfect excuse to sort things out once and for all. Of course jet lag leading to me waking up stupidly early this morning helped get the project off my “long finger” list.
So far I haven’t done anything dramatic:
- the blog is now in the web root ie. there’s no /blog – with the extra “/blog” was completely redundant.
- the site is now on the latest version of PHP 7, though I doubt anyone other than a geek will care 🙂
- the site’s now accessible via SSL
- all the old content from is now here and traffic *should* be redirecting here (I suspect some of it isn’t, but I’ll fix that as soon as I can)
- I’ll still be using, though I intend to change how I use it moving forward. Watch this space for more on that, but please don’t hold your breath!
And big thanks to Stephen for helping move all the content over and do other “magic”!