
Whether it’s a forum, a blog or a web directory, it’s going to get hit by spamvertising scum. The problem is how often….
The level of junk hitting any dynamic website is just silly. Even if you sanitise the form input, so that’s it doesn’t do you any actual harm you still have to wade through the emails and other rubbish that is generated.
At least some people are still able to see the funny side of spam and comment spam.
Blog spam and how to deal with it is hardly worth going over again.. I think it’s been done to death by me and everyone else 🙂
Forum spam…
It depends on the software that you are using.. There is supposedly an Akismet implementation for most of the forum software these days.. I’ve never had the chance to use it, so I’m relying on SpamHaus instead. Any registration requests from IPs listed in XBL get blocked and I get a short PM telling me
Web directories are a completely different kettle of fish…
In the case of some I’ve almost given up moderating the links at the moment and am seriously considering replacing the backend completely…
However most of the links directory software available these days does offer some level of builtin captcha.
There are some very strong arguments against the use of captcha, but when you are managing a website you sometimes have to give way to pragmatism. If it wasn’t for captcha etc., managing link directories would be unbearable!

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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