Reading Mania

I’m currently going through one of my reading phases, which means that I get very upset if I don’t have at least one novel to read after the one I’m currently reading.
You can usually find me reading two or three books concurrently. One or two would be “work related” ie. not novels, while the third one is usually a fairly light novel.

I’m currently working my way through a pile of Clive Cussler novels and am presently reading White Death which I’ll probably have finished in a day or so.
As today is a bank holiday I dropped into my local bookshop to stockup. Probably not the best of ideas, as I ended up spending more than I had intended.
So what did I spend my money on?
Michael Moore’s latest paperback Will They Ever Trust Us Again?: Letters from the War Zone to Michael Moore looks like it could be a good read, as I enjoyed his previous books.
Dan Brown’s style can be quite annoying at times, but I like to keep an open mind, so I grabbed a copy of Deception Point. I wonder will it have any racist undertones.. I was quite annoyed by some of the undertones evident in Digital Fortress. It will probably be very similar in style to his previous works, so I don’t expect to be overly impressed.
I love historical novels like those by Manfredi. I couldn’t find anything by him, so I had to settle for Robert Harris’ Pompeii. I would have preferred a copy of Tyrant as I enjoyed The Oracle so much, but I guess “beggars can’t be choosers”.
The other non-fiction book I picked up was Making Bread: The Real Way to Start Up and Stay Up in Business by Brody Sweeney. Sweeney opened the first O’Briens cafe in Dublin in 1998. Less than 10 years later the franchise is trading in more than 12 countries.
Hopefully there’s enough there to keep me quiet for a couple of days 🙂

Categorised as Random

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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