I just saw a post about someone looking for the most prolific bloggers (via).
The criteria they’re using is quite simple:
1. It must be a blog.
2. It must be a legitimate blog…that adds content, any kind, to the blogosphere.
3. There must be 1,000 or more posts at ONE blog, not a total of 1,000 at two, three or more different blogs.
1 – That’s easy enough
2 – It depends on your definition of legitimate and possibly your definition of “content”. It might have been better if there was some form of quality rating.
A lot of blogs, both Irish and international, do not really produce much original content and when they do it’s really boring.
Yes, yes, yes there are exceptions to that, but in percentage terms they are very small.
3 – 1000 or more posts on one blog. That strikes me as a rather silly restriction. Someone like Darren Rowse is prolific and posts to several blogs regularly.
I haven’t done an actual post count, but I am probably more prolific in terms of post count than a lot of others if I count the other blogs that I manage. This blog alone has close to 1200 posts!
But is quantity the only barometer?
It’s not the size of the tractor, it’s how you plough the field (though the context for that was quite different *cough*)
re: post count, if someone uses wordpress then go to the archive page for a postcount display message
That will depend on the template you’re using