Playing with themes I’m currently playing with a new theme, so please excuse any oddities. Related Posts:Thunderstruck CoverDirty Dancing Synced to the Muppet Show Theme is PerfectAslan in the 1980sConcerts and MoreMassive Attack's Teardrop CoverGive it Away Live By Michele Neylon Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight. View all of Michele Neylon's posts.
I like the new theme michele (well what I see of it so far) 🙂 One suggestion: resize the main image as it looks skewed.
Ed – I’m hopeless! I really need someone to take one of these base templates and rejig it to fit my requirements…. Hmmmmm….
I like the new theme michele (well what I see of it so far) 🙂
One suggestion:
resize the main image as it looks skewed.
Ed – I’m hopeless!
I really need someone to take one of these base templates and rejig it to fit my requirements….
Ed – header image replaced .. Still trying to fix other sections ..
very nice photo michele 🙂
Glad you like it.
It seems to work pretty well, but could do with some more tweaks. Any suggestions?
Like the theme, though I’d say you’ll lose out on advertising a bit…