New Webmaster / Marketing Forum

I know there are a lot of discussion forums already, but some areas seemed to be a bit lacking, at least in the Irish market.
I’m not sure how successful a dedicated webmaster site would do, as I’ve seen quite a few of them start up over the years and then fizzle out.

As I already run I thought I’d add a webmaster and online marketing forum.
Some people might argue that there are other forums catering for the Irish market, but I’d still like to see how well a new one could do.
I’ve created a few basic discussion topics (boards) but would love to hear people’s feedback.
If you want to blatantly self promote please feel free to use this forum, which I setup specifically for self-promotion 🙂

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Nice idea Michele, I know how hard it is to kick start forums so i’ll try and be fairly active/talkative there for a while.
    Good luck

  2. In my (very limited) forum start up experience, the less boards you have the better and easier it is to build. Only create a new board when the first is getting too busy.

  3. There seems to be some great topics coming up on the forum. It also seems that has died. The forum could be a great alternative for Irish webmasters.

  4. I’ev just registered (under a new name), i’ll try and visit once in a while if I can- I used to spend a LOT of time on such forums till I lost interest in web design. Trying to get that interest back now.

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