Microsoft Adlabs

Microsoft are squaring off against Google and Yahoo in the contextual advertising market.
While their adcenter may not be 100% functional as yet it still has some interesting features, features that come from Redmond’s obvious investment in the area.
So what is “adlabs”?
According to Microsoft it is:

a joint effort of Microsoft adCenter and Microsoft Research, is a state-of-the-art lab in Beijing with a mission to research and incubate advanced technologies for Microsoft adCenter. AdLabs is designed to provide you, the advertiser, with rich targeting capabilities and to give your customers a more relevant online experience.

Some of the demos are pretty interesting, while others are amusing, but all things considered it does show that MS is very serious about this market and we can expect to see more from them in the coming months.

Categorised as Business

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


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