Landrush Fiasco

EU landrush is a fiasco.
Eurid and the EU dropped the ball completely.
While you may have been lucky enough to get the domains you wanted under landrush (or one of the sunrises) a lot of people are going to be very upset due to the tactics employed by several hundred registrars who abused the system to their own end.
The courts are going to be kept busy for the next couple of years sorting out the squatters from the legitimate registrants.
Unlike other registries Eurid is governed by the EU, so in theory at least it should be less susceptible to abuse and under EC reg. 874/2004 cybersquatting / bad faith registrations are not allowed:

1. A registered domain name shall be subject to revocation,
using an appropriate extra-judicial or judicial procedure, where
that name is identical or confusingly similar to a name in
respect of which a right is recognised or established by national
and/or Community law, such as the rights mentioned in Article
10(1), and where it:
(a) has been registered by its holder without rights or legitimate
interest in the name; or
(b) has been registered or is being used in bad faith.

Of course this is theory.
Fact is another matter entirely and a cursory glance at some of the domains registered since Friday morning would reveal some very telling signs of abuse. Add to that the number of .eu domains already up for sale on aftermarket sites and the outlook is very bleak indeed
More coverage on jmmc’s blog and a nice explanation of how the system works over on Bob Parson’s (just ignore the jingoism)

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Julian
    Looks like he edited out that section 🙂
    The last paragraph originally was:
    “The Internet needs to stay under U.S. control.
    There’s been much talk in Europe about the way the United States has handled the Internet. If the way EURid has bungled the introduction of Europe’s very own domain name is any indication of their Internet management capabilities, we should all hope and pray that the Internet never leaves America’s control.”

  2. Hmmm. What a wonderfully plonkerlike comment!
    Perhaps he forgot the comprehensive bungling when the US Govt tried to hand the registries over to Network Solutions in perpetuity.
    I’m no lover of Euro-bungling (or in this case Westminster bungling when the requirements for Brit companies were set to cost more than needed), but I agree with your diagnosis of jingoism.

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