Julian “MailScanner” Field On The Mend

As I mentioned a few days ago, MailScanner’s Julian Field is currently in hospital where he is in a serious condition. According to a posting today from one of Julian’s colleagues he is on the mend:

Hi again,
Today’s news is that Jules is very awake and alert, and is drinking tea.
Those who know him well know he gets through a fair few gallons of tea, so this is a good sign 🙂
Also the doctors are wanting to get him out of intensive care as soon as
a bed in another ward becomes free, another good sign.
Let’s hope the recovery continues. It may be hard to keep him offline
before long!
I’ll ramp down the reporting frequency a bit now unless there’s anything
significant to say. Please do keep cards coming, I’m sure they’ll continue to be very well received.

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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