I made a couple of minor changes to IrishBlogs earlier this week, but forgot to mention them.
The most important change is that the rerank is now weekly, which should make the numbers a bit more meaningful.
Some people have been asking me why their number does not correspond to the ranking on the site. The reason is very simple – at present the ranking button is per category ie. if you are listed as “2” on your blog then you are number “2” in your blog’s category. You might be number “20” overall.
If people would prefer a global ranking as opposed to per category let me know – it’s very easy to change.
The buttons’ issue was finally resolved – anybody still encountering issues please ensure that you have the correct code as it is working for everybody. If your browser does not support png files it is not my fault – sorry.
The number of blogs listed in the aggregator has grown slightly, but is nowhere near the number of blogs in the actual “top” list. I am considering adding the other blogs to it manually, but that requires time that I do not currently have 🙂
One of the things that the IrishBlogs aggregator seems to do slightly better than some of the others is handle photo blogs, so I’ve been enjoying some of the eye candy posted by Iced Coffee
nice mention this week as well, so I’m really happy that some people are making use of it and find it useful.
I’m open to suggestions etc., just as long as people bear in mind that not everything is possible and that I will only make changes when I have time to do so.
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