IIA Afraid To Follow?

Image via Wikipedia

It really irks me to see organisations like the IIA (the Irish Internet Association) knowingly setting all links in comments on its blog to be “nofollow.

The “nofollow” attribute sucks. Sure, there are *some* circumstances where it can be useful eg. linking to a competitor for example, but if you moderate comments on a blog then nofollow is just inane and dumb.

This blog quite happily “follows” people who take the time to share their opinion via a comment. In fact all the blogs I run or post to use the normal link attributes.

So what the hell is up with the IIA?

They’re supposed to be promoting the internet sector in Ireland etc., etc.,

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. le Craic – it’s not an oversight. I already asked them about it and got a really silly reply.
    As for the links from your blog to mine. If you use trackback it will probably appear, but the pingback thing is WP specific and will not work with anything else. Unfortunately both pingback and trackback are open to abuse, so I rarely find any legitimate ones in the queue. I think I’ve disabled it on a couple of sites, as it was just a total waste of time moderating it 🙂

  2. You should get more of your fellow IIA members to press for a change on it – they have to listen to members – you’re paying their wages.
    re: pingback/trackback – I’ve always got confused with those!

  3. Nofollow is a default with wordpress – I assume it’s there so as not to encourage comment spam.
    In the office, we’re of the same mind, if you contribute you should get the Google Juice.
    We found a plugin for WordPress “Dofollow” that gets rid of the attribute:

  4. Hi Michele,
    Roseanne here from the IIA. Thanks for reminding me about this issue which you did indeed raise *just* before I went on holidays. It is now fixed and no, the IIA is not afraid to follow but now a little bit afraid to go on holidays ever again… 😀
    Have a great weekend!

  5. @Lar – From what I recall WP turns it on by default, but there are several ways of getting it to behave. MT comes with the option to turn it on or off builtin.
    @Roseanne – glad to hear it

  6. Its not easy to remove the default nofollow from a wordpress installation unless you can edit code or find a plugin as above.
    Nice to see things change for the better when someone moans too!!

  7. That’s certainly a possibility I’m open to, but where is the flaw in my logic, in your opinion, when it comes to linking strategies and control over inbound/outbound links and how Google views them?

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